Posted on 3/31/2023

Photo by Jonathan Hanna on Unsplash Protecting Your Car From Missouri’s Humidity: Why April Is The Right Time Don’t worry, Jeff City: we still have a little while before the humidity rolls in. Enjoy the spring blooms and dogwood trees for now, but prepare for those muggy days. Our humidity can be brutal during the Summer–but we don’t have to tell you that! As a car owner in Jefferson City, you know that the humid climate can take a toll on your vehicle. High moisture levels in the air can lead to corrosion, mold growth, and other issues that can affect your car's performance and safety. Right now is the right time to take preventative action against the toll humidity can take on your vehicle–we want to fix the leaking roof before the storm, not during it! At The Auto Shop, we understand the unique challenges of maintaining a ca ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2023

Photo by Charlie Deets on Unsplash When To Replace Your Windshield Wipers Here in Mid-Missouri, windshield wipers do more than just protect your visibility during the rain: they can help with those dirt roads, gravel driveways, and stray pebbles flying at you. For this reason, it’s essential to replace your windshield wipers promptly! Replacing your wipers is something you should do at least once a year. This is especially true if you drive through those harsher weather conditions or don’t have a garage to protect your vehicle from snowfall. The frequency of your wiper replacement will depend on how often you use them and the conditions of the roads you’re driving on. Here are a few signs that you need to replace your windshield wipers and how often you should replace them. 3 Signs Your Wipers Are Worse for Wear Windshield wipers have a de ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2023

Photo by Lemon Pepper Pictures on Unsplash 3 Signs Your Exhaust System Needs Help Your car's exhaust system is a vital part of its performance. When it's not functioning correctly, it can lead to significant problems. To keep your car running smoothly and safely, it's essential to be aware of the signs that indicate your exhaust system may need some help. If you're hearing unusual noises, experiencing decreased fuel economy, or noticing an increase in your exhaust emissions, you may need to have your transmission looked at. Though Missouri doesn’t require emissions checks on vehicles like they used to, being away for any exhaust problems can help your vehicle last longer and run how it should. Let’s get a little deeper into these three telltale signs you need to come visit us at The Auto Shop! 1. Unusual Noises Coming ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2023

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash Remember in the 1980s, when the future (or as it was referred to then, the 2000s) included floating vehicles and bubble cars? Well, we don’t have those (yet), but there are still some fantastic new vehicles coming out in 2023 and some trends I’ll be on the watch for. Let’s start this new year off right by highlighting some of the most anticipated new vehicles coming out this season! Cool New Cars To Look Out For Of course, there are dozens of new vehicles that are going to hit the market in 2023. We already know a lot about most of them: car brands from Honda to Chevrolet to Tesla have dropped videos, press releases, and more for their new line-ups. I want to highlight three new vehicles: the Chevrolet Corvette C8 Z06, Hyundai Ioniq 7, and Toyota GR Corolla. There’s a little something for everybody on this list!  ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2022

Photo by Saish Menon on Unsplash What To Keep In Your Car's Emergency Kit This Winter Winter is here, which means snow and ice will be a regular part of your commute. While you can't completely control the weather, you can be prepared for it by ensuring your car has an emergency kit containing the items listed below. This way, if you get stranded on the side of the road or stuck in an icy ditch after sliding off the road, you'll have everything you need to make it through until help arrives. Bag of Sand or Kitty Litter Sand and kitty litter are great for digging your car out of snow or mud. You can keep a bag or two in your trunk. Snow Brush and Ice Scraper You should keep a snow brush and ice scraper in your car's emergency kit. A snow brush helps clear snow from your vehicle's windows, mirrors, and lights. An ice scraper can clear ice from the same part ... read more