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Monthly Archives: March 2022

Spring’s Coming-- Have You Checked Your Car Yet?

Spring’s Coming-- Have You Checked Your Car Yet?

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash   When the weather's getting warmer and you are looking forward to the new season, it is easy to forget that your car needs some spring cleaning and maintenance in order to run its best. We often like to think that the things that need spring cleaning the most are our homes, but our cars are an investment, just like our homes.   Cars are machines susceptible to the harsh weather conditions that might have arisen after the winter. Many car owners forget to inspect their car when spring approaches because your car sometimes doesn't properly alert you about what's going on under the hood. We are here to help, and by following these tips, your car will be ready for the fun that spring brings!   Get your battery tested: Most often, after a harsh winter season, your car's battery can experience unusual drainage ... read more

