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Monthly Archives: May 2021

Top 10 Must-Haves For Summer Road Trips

Top 10 Must-Haves For Summer Road Trips

Photo by Levan Badzgaradze on Unsplash Are you looking forward to hitting the road this Summer? We feel you! We, too, are itching to get out of Jefferson City for a little while and go on a road trip adventure to have some healthy fun! That is why in this month’s blog, we are going to share our top ten must-haves for summertime road trips. Music Playlists -- We like to go onto Spotify and put together three or four playlists. Each person in our family can create their customized playlist of favorite songs, but we challenge everyone not to have any repeat songs, making it more challenging. Pandemic Prevention Kit -- We stock extra facemasks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and several bottles of water, just if we have to go int ... read more



Three Reasons We Love Hybrid Vehicles

Three Reasons We Love Hybrid Vehicles

Tim Meyer | @timm.jpeg on Unsplash How do we love hybrid vehicles? Let us count the ways. It may seem funny that we wax poetic when talking about hybrids, but we promise we're not crazy. We're just crazy about hybrids! Here are three reasons why The Auto Shop team loves hybrid vehicles.   We believe they are the cars of the future. They are an essential component in battling climate change. Our technicians have trained extensively on hybrid service and repair -- and they still love them! Climate change is an ongoing conversation that will not stop anytime soon. Hybrid vehicles' creation was an ideal solution that bridged the gap between gasoline-powered engines and electric vehicles. Yes, electric cars will quickly b ... read more



Why It’s An Exciting Time To Be Working In The Automotive Industry

Did you know that 2021 is an inspiring year for the automotive industry? It's true. When the pandemic still has its grips on the global economy, we thought it would be a good idea to talk about the good things that are going on in this month's blog. So, why not begin by sharing the good news happening within the auto repair industry?  Let's begin by listing ten reasons why it's an exciting time to be working in the automotive industry!     People rely on their vehicles, which makes the auto repair industry recession-resistant. Automobile manufacturers are transitioning from gas-powered vehicles to electric-powered vehicles within this decade. Hybrids and EVs are becoming more popular than ever, and their owners love them! There are plenty of jobs within our industry. Plus, there is a growing number of female shop owners, technicians, parts specialists, and service advisors -- which means equal opportunities for everyone.  Cruising and dri ... read more



How To Prevent Rodents From Snacking On Your Engine

How To Prevent Rodents From Snacking On Your Engine

Do you have rodent trouble? If squirrels and mice have taken up residence in your engine compartment, your vehicle is headed for a world of expensive repairs. That is why this month’s blog will share tips on how to prevent rodents from snacking on your engine. Rodents snacking on your engine? Really?! Yes, it’s true. When car manufacturers created sustainable materials for their vehicles, per government regulations that encouraged fuel economy and earth-friendly practices, they used soybean-based wire casing. While the idea was terrific in theory, no one predicted that the soybean-based wire casings would prove to be a delicious treat for hungry and cold rodents.  There have been numerous reports of car owners who could not start their vehicles, only to find that squirrels and mice had nested in their engine compartment and made a meal or two out of the wire casings. This kind of rodent invasion isn’t only an issue in Missouri. Nope. This issue is commonplace ... read more



March 2021 Newsletter

March 2021 Newsletter

