Posted on 11/1/2022

Photo by Jody Confer on Unsplash It's Time To Winterize Your Car The winter season is upon us; for many, it's time to get our cars ready for the cold weather. Winterizing your car is a critical mission, but it doesn't have to be significant or stressful! Come into The Auto Shop in Jefferson City for some winterization assistance. We are the only ASE Certified shop within a hundred miles! Below, we give some of our top tips for winterizing your vehicle. Consider A Tire Change If you haven't already, consider changing your tires. Tires need to be in good shape for winter and should be rotated every 5,000 miles or so. Double-check tread depth, but come in and see us regardless if your gut tells you it's time. It would help if you had good traction when the ice and snow come out to play, and this might mean a new set of all-season or snow t ... read more