15 Years of Service | The Auto Shop

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If you're looking for auto repair in Jefferson City, The Auto Shop is your go-to destination. Our experienced auto mechanics are dedicated to delivering high-quality service. We offer personalized care and complimentary services to make your visit special. Plus, we are dedicated to educating our community so you always feel safe and comfortable knowing your vehicle is in good hands. Ready to get started? Make a Reservation with us today!

Monthly Archives: October 2022

Brakes for Breasts Is This Month!

Brakes for Breasts Is This Month!

Photo by Angiola Harry  on Unsplash   For those who want the information quickly, we’ll get right to the point: from October 1st to October 31, the Auto shop is giving away free premium grade-brake pads or shoes! All you pay for is the labor and any other necessary parts! But stick around for the rest of this article if you can, because the why is important. We Are Participating in the Brakes for Breasts Campaign! In October, women worldwide prepare for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we all show our support for those who have survived and lost their lives to this terrible illness. Once again, The Auto Shop in Jefferson City will be participating in the Brakes for Breasts campaign. You’ll notice your favorite football players wearing their pink gear, stores selling Breast Cancer Awareness items, and (if you’re at risk) you’ll hopefully be encouraged ... read more

