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Monthly Archives: September 2021

Three Reasons We Support Brakes For Breasts

Three Reasons We Support Brakes For Breasts

  Brakes for breasts has become one of the biggest charities in the USA, and its mission has captured the hearts of millions across America. In this article, we’ll present 3 (because if we presented all the reasons, we’d create a small novel!) reasons why Brakes For Breasts is a cause we support!   A cause bigger than themselves. Ever since humanity discovered cancer, it has been trying tirelessly to find the cure for it every day. Although we are not going to be the brilliant doctors who will discover the cure, we want to be a part of their mission and contribute whatever we can for their cause, regardless of the effort required.    Health above all. Every charity deserves applause, but it’s something else when you hear about an organization that tries to fight a deadly disease without selling your expensive medicine and confusing you with their jargon. A lot of good-willed organizations make the mistake to try to impress people with their know ... read more



September Newsletter 2021

September Newsletter 2021

