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Category Archives: Blog

How To Prevent Rodents From Snacking On Your Engine

How To Prevent Rodents From Snacking On Your Engine

Do you have rodent trouble? If squirrels and mice have taken up residence in your engine compartment, your vehicle is headed for a world of expensive repairs. That is why this month’s blog will share tips on how to prevent rodents from snacking on your engine. Rodents snacking on your engine? Really?! Yes, it’s true. When car manufacturers created sustainable materials for their vehicles, per government regulations that encouraged fuel economy and earth-friendly practices, they used soybean-based wire casing. While the idea was terrific in theory, no one predicted that the soybean-based wire casings would prove to be a delicious treat for hungry and cold rodents.  There have been numerous reports of car owners who could not start their vehicles, only to find that squirrels and mice had nested in their engine compartment and made a meal or two out of the wire casings. This kind of rodent invasion isn’t only an issue in Missouri. Nope. This issue is commonplace ... read more

