Posted on 11/1/2022

Photo by Jody Confer on Unsplash It's Time To Winterize Your Car The winter season is upon us; for many, it's time to get our cars ready for the cold weather. Winterizing your car is a critical mission, but it doesn't have to be significant or stressful! Come into The Auto Shop in Jefferson City for some winterization assistance. We are the only ASE Certified shop within a hundred miles! Below, we give some of our top tips for winterizing your vehicle. Consider A Tire Change If you haven't already, consider changing your tires. Tires need to be in good shape for winter and should be rotated every 5,000 miles or so. Double-check tread depth, but come in and see us regardless if your gut tells you it's time. It would help if you had good traction when the ice and snow come out to play, and this might mean a new set of all-season or snow t ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2022

Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash For those who want the information quickly, we’ll get right to the point: from October 1st to October 31, the Auto shop is giving away free premium grade-brake pads or shoes! All you pay for is the labor and any other necessary parts! But stick around for the rest of this article if you can, because the why is important. We Are Participating in the Brakes for Breasts Campaign! In October, women worldwide prepare for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we all show our support for those who have survived and lost their lives to this terrible illness. Once again, The Auto Shop in Jefferson City will be participating in the Brakes for Breasts campaign. You’ll notice your favorite football players wearing their pink gear, stores selling Breast Cancer Awareness items, and (if you’re at risk) you’ll hopefully be encouraged ... read more
Posted on 8/31/2022

Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash Reflecting On Labor Day and Gratitude Toward Those Who Never Stop Working We know: sometimes, it’s hard to get out of bed and make that commute to work. However, Labor Day reminds us how working together as a community makes the dream work. Each of us has a vital role in our world, and with dedication and hard work, we all make a difference in the lives of others. This Labor Day, all of us here at The Auto Shop in Jefferson City are thinking mainly about all the fantastic truck drivers who don’t get a 3-day weekend, essential workers who helped us through the pandemic, and our terrific staff. Labor Day teaches us that we are all workers—whether you're then CEO or janitor or intern or trainee or middle management—and no one should be left behind when it comes to employment or career advancement opportunities ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2022

Zen and The Art of Driving For Your Kids Photo by Element5 on Unsplash School’s almost in session, Mid-Mo! We’ve got a few months of adjusting to new schedules, figuring out what’s missing from our school supply list, and early AM drives with kids who’ve been used to sleeping past noon. That morning commute to school can be difficult for you and your children, but we’ve got some tips on combining zen and the art of driving. With some preparation and a good attitude, you can make driving your kids to school an enjoyable experience. With a little bit of preparation and a good attitude, you can make driving your kids to school an enjoyable experience. When possible, choose the safest route for your child's school. If an alternate route is shorter or safer than the one suggested by Google Maps or your phone, use it! Also, remember to plan for constr ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2022

Services Your Vehicle Needs To Survive The Hottest Month Of The Year Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash We’ve had our fair share of heat waves in Mid-Missouri this Summer. A record-breaking June is sure to be followed by a record-breaking July, and if your car isn’t keeping up with the rising temperature, you may be looking for some guidance. Below, we have an easy-to-follow guide on the Summer services your car may need. 5 Services To Schedule This July AC Services. If your AC is out, and you’ve made it to July without touching it, that’s impressive! But here in Missouri, we still have some hot months to go. Check to make sure your AC is working how it should. Something could be wrong if it’s not cooling down your ... read more